Well, I ordered a 132.5mm Radius track set from TrainAidsA last week. It arrived on Wednesday this week, and I've been spending the lsat couple of days entertaining the cats with it. My wife found it very amusing as well. Having the track and power pack set enables me to give my KiHa40 a workout. I have noticed that the KiHa tends to run better powered truck forward (which is to be expected). I'm hoping on getting a Pulse controller from one ot Talking T Gauge's members, nug. This will enable smoother operation than the current Eishindo power box. The next purchase, in addition to the pulse controller, will be a loop of 145mm radius curves. The 145mm curves are going to be the minimum radius on the main line.
My benchwork is still waiting to be assembled, and will consist of a 24" X 36" piece of plywood topped by 3/4" blue foam. The foam will allow me to make scenic features below the track grade with much more ease than a conventional cookie cutter design. The branch supports will probably be laminated foamcore with blue foam supports. For access to the main line loop, the mountain scenery is planned to be removable. This will allow me to work on the layout and get it running while I'm waiting for the announced 157.5mm radius curves.
Still thinking like a showman, I'm now thinking of having the branch line diverge from the station on the left side of the layout in both straight and curved options. This will allow me to extend the line along the other wall in my small space as well as allow the line to extend straight for shows and displays. The left hand side is planned to to extend along a rocky seashore, ending at a stub end station next to an amusement park. The mountain line will probably continue through mountain scenery, possibly ending at a Hot Spring. As before, the main focus of the layout is to be the branch line, but the mainline loop will offer through running as well as be a showcase for my future roster.
More as it develops.
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